The Central Library at Alasmarya Islamic University: A Field Study


  • Fatima Attia bin Saad Department of Libraries and Information, Faculty of Arts, Alasmarya Islamic University, Zliten, Libya.
  • Emhmed M. Rajab Department of Libraries and Information, Faculty of Arts, Alasmarya Islamic University, Zliten, Libya.
  • Fatima Salem Al-Razizi Department of Libraries and Information, Faculty of Arts, Alasmarya Islamic University, Zliten, Libya.


Library, Central Library, Information services, University, University Libraries


University libraries play an effective and important role in achieving the scientific goals of the university, through which traditional and modern services are provided that all libraries seek and provide effort and time for beneficiaries and researchers to find the information they need, which requires study and development, reflecting the university is interest in achieving its goals. For this reason, this study came to identify the reality of the central library at Alasmarya Islamic University in Zliten from all technical and administrative aspects in order to set out to identify weaknesses and develop a vision for the prospects for developing the library for the better and to reach results and proposals to correct it from all technical and administrative aspects.


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How to Cite

bin Saad, F. A., Rajab, E. M., & Al-Razizi, F. S. (2023). The Central Library at Alasmarya Islamic University: A Field Study. المؤتمر العلمي السنوي لطلاب المرحلة الجامعية والدراسات العليا بالجامعة, 1, 4.230–242. Retrieved from

Conference Proceedings Volume


المحور الرابع: العلوم الإنسانية