The Effect of a Proposed Program to Rehabilitate the Knee Affected by Ruptured Lateral Ligaments (Medial-Lateral) After Surgical Intervention in Football Players


  • Ali Hassan A. Espiga Department of Physical Education, Faculty of Education, Alasmarya Islamic University, Zliten, Libya.


Knee ligaments, Medial and lateral, Rehabilitation program, Rupture


The researcher conducted a study that aimed to design a rehabilitation exercise program using various methods to rehabilitate the knee joint affected by ruptured ligaments (medial - lateral) after surgical intervention in football players, and to know its effect on: the strength of the flexor and extensor muscles of the knee joint, and the flexibility of the injured knee joint before and after the scheduled rehabilitation program. For the injured player, the circumference of the quadriceps muscle and the circumference of the gastrocnemius muscle of the injured leg before and after the rehabilitation program scheduled for the injured player. The researcher used the experimental method with a pre- and post-measurement method for one experimental group. The research sample was selected from middle-class football players at the Al-Ahrar Sports Club in the city of Zliten, who were ruptured in the internal ligament or external ligament of the knee. The total sample amounted to (3) players, two of whom were injured. The third had a partial tear in the outer (lateral) ligament of the knee, and the third had a partial tear in the inner (medial) ligament of the knee. The researcher intervened on the second day of their surgeries to begin the rehabilitation program. One of the most important results of the research was the presence of statistically significant differences between the pre- and post-measurements in (the strength of the flexor and extensor muscles of the knee joint, the flexibility of the affected knee joint, the circumference of the quadriceps muscle and the circumference of the gastrocnemius muscle of the affected leg) in favor of the post-measurement.


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How to Cite

Espiga, A. H. A. (2023). The Effect of a Proposed Program to Rehabilitate the Knee Affected by Ruptured Lateral Ligaments (Medial-Lateral) After Surgical Intervention in Football Players. المؤتمر العلمي السنوي لطلاب المرحلة الجامعية والدراسات العليا بالجامعة, 1, 8.13–36. Retrieved from

Conference Proceedings Volume


المحور الثامن: العلوم الطبية والصحية