Android Application for Electronic Prescription (Wasfaty)


  • Amira Khayri Alqadi Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Information Technology, Alasmarya Islamic University, Zliten, Libya.
  • Hadya S. Hawedi Department of Information Systems, Faculty of Information Technology, Alasmarya Islamic University, Zliten, Libya.
  • Aya Muhammad Albahbah Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Information Technology, Alasmarya Islamic University, Zliten, Libya.
  • Hawa Emhemed Ben Masoud Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Information Technology, Alasmarya Islamic University, Zliten, Libya.
  • Noor Muftah Alfotaisy Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Information Technology, Alasmarya Islamic University, Zliten, Libya.


Android, Electronic application, Prescription, Wasfaty


In an important step to take advantage of technology in the development of health care services, and in an important development in how to write a medical prescription, and the emergence of many technologies, websites and electronic applications in this field, as it was difficult to read the paper prescription, the idea of creating an electronic application for the electronic medical prescription appeared, to enable the doctor to write the prescription electronically in a clear manner, and to facilitate the process of reading the medicine to the pharmacist and dispensing the correct medicine, and to save the time that the pharmacist may take to quickly read the prescription written in the doctor’s handwriting, as a result, an electronic prescription application was created to enable the doctor to write a correct and accurate prescription, and to enable the patient to store his personal and medical data and to obtain instructions and instructions for the medication prescribed to him and to refer to the prescription when needed, and to enable the pharmacist to read the prescription correctly and quickly and to dispense the correct medication to the patient after that. In an important step to take advantage of technology in the development of health care services, and in an important development in how to write a medical prescription, and the emergence of many technologies, websites and electronic applications in this field, as it was difficult to read the paper prescription, the idea of creating an electronic application for the electronic medical prescription appeared, to enable the doctor to write the prescription electronically in a clear manner, and to facilitate the process of reading the medicine to the pharmacist and dispensing the correct medicine, and to save the time that the pharmacist may take to quickly read the prescription written in the doctor’s handwriting, as a result, an electronic prescription application was created to enable the doctor to write a correct and accurate prescription, and to enable the patient to store his personal and medical data and to obtain instructions for the medication prescribed to him and to refer to the prescription when needed, and to enable the pharmacist to read the prescription correctly and quickly and to dispense the correct medication to the patient after that.


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How to Cite

Alqadi, A. . K., Hawedi, H. S., Albahbah, A. M., Ben Masoud, H. E., & Alfotaisy, N. M. (2023). Android Application for Electronic Prescription (Wasfaty). المؤتمر العلمي السنوي لطلاب المرحلة الجامعية والدراسات العليا بالجامعة, 1, 7.56–80. Retrieved from

Conference Proceedings Volume


المحور السابع: علوم الحاسوب وتقنية المعلومات