Effect of Temperature Steel on Mechanical Properties and Corrosion Speed: A Laboratory Study on Iron Used in Blacksmithing Workshops


  • Hashem Ebrik Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Alasmarya Islamic University, Zliten, Libya.
  • Mansour Benarous Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Alasmarya Islamic University, Zliten, Libya.
  • Mohamed Sidon Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Alasmarya Islamic University, Zliten, Libya.


Mechanical properties, Heat treatment, Simulation, Yield stress curve and maximum stress and elongation, Impact curve and hardness, Corrosion


In this research, some mechanical properties of steel were studied by conducting a tensile test, annealing test, and an impact test on steel samples (rectangular section samples) to obtain the mechanical and physical properties, before and after heat treatment, during the operation and formation of steel, and after the corrosion test. The fermentation heat treatment process was carried out by heating the samples to a temperature of 900oC and keeping them for 45 minutes, and gradually cooling them inside the oven. After the fermentation process, the process of simulating cutting and forming metals was carried out by heating the samples to a temperature of 250°C and keeping them for a period of time after dividing them into three groups (30, 60, and 90) minutes, then a sudden cooling in water and oil and a gradual cooling in natural air. Results Decrease in the mechanical properties after fermentation, and then the difference in properties according to the cooling medium, in which it appears that the use of used oil is more stable than in the cases of other liquids. Corrosion was tested using the loss-by-weight method to calculate the corrosion rates of steel immersed in sea water and natural air for 90 days at normal ambient temperature. The results showed that the media used led to corrosion of the steel in varying proportions, and the longer the heating period, the greater the weight loss rate. By examining the microstructure of a group of samples (samples before and after treatment, simulation process and corrosion samples), the obtained results confirmed that there is a clear difference in the microstructure resulting from different tests and corrosion testing on the samples.


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How to Cite

Ebrik, H., Benarous, M., & Sidon, M. (2023). Effect of Temperature Steel on Mechanical Properties and Corrosion Speed: A Laboratory Study on Iron Used in Blacksmithing Workshops. المؤتمر العلمي السنوي لطلاب المرحلة الجامعية والدراسات العليا بالجامعة, 1, 6.1–14. Retrieved from https://conf.asmarya.edu.ly/index.php/scupgs/article/view/13

Conference Proceedings Volume


المحور السادس: العلوم الهندسية