The Importance of Public Knowledge of The Vector of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis For Establishing Control Activities in BaniWalid-Libya


  • Mostafa M O Abdoarrahem Department of Biology, Faculty of Education-BaniWalid, Azzytuna University, Libya
  • Ibrahim D Sakal Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, - Sebratah, Zawia University, Libya

الكلمات المفتاحية:

Cutaneous leishmaniasis، Sand fly، Control، BaniWalid، Libya، knowledge


Cutaneous  leishmaniasis  (CL) is one of the major public health problems in Libya, where many cities are endemic at various levels. BaniWalid is one of the infected cities, where the infection is endemic. The city is a small town located in the north west, with 180 km from the south side of capital. The infection rate  was noticeably rising during the past 10 years in Libya, especially in BaniWalid city, which is a matter of serious concern that requires the attention of health care providers and policy makers in the country and the need for public awareness and knowledge of the disease and its control. The study aims to Identify people’s knowledge and awareness about sand flies to establish control activities in BaniWalid. As well as to highlight the seriousness of the CL and educate people to avoid and reduce infection. The city was divided into four sections and questionnaires were distributed in 300 houses with a total population of 2618 individuals belonging to all age groups and both genders. The finding of study have shown that 80% of the respondents had heard about the disease up to some extent, but the people’s knowledge of the parasite of leishmania was 39 %. About 55 % of the participants had wrong idea and blame mosquitoes as the vector of CL. The reservoir host was identified by 30% of participants. The people’s knowledge about breeding and resting sites of sand flies was as follow, 30% reported animal house, 25% damp dark places. The respond of participants towards vector control programme was very poor, as 95% do not believe in it.  People’s knowledge in the city is a very poor and they need to be educated about the disease, its transmission and control.  Proper health education programme in a simple language along with visual demonstration must be promoted to enhance the awareness and co-operation at community level.


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المحور الأول: الدراسات البيئية

كيفية الاقتباس

The Importance of Public Knowledge of The Vector of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis For Establishing Control Activities in BaniWalid-Libya . (2015). المؤتمر الثاني لعلوم البيئة، 2015م, 120-137.