Information Illiteracy and its Effects on The Academic Community at Faculty of Arts at Alasmarya Islamic University


  • Fatima Mahmoud Nassef Department of Libraries and Information, Faculty of Arts, Alasmarya Islamic University, Zliten, Libya.
  • Ali Abdul Salam Al -Naji Department of Libraries and Information, Faculty of Arts, Alasmarya Islamic University, Zliten, Libya.


Illiteracy, Information illiteracy, Information, Information awareness, Academic community


This study came to identify information illiteracy, and its impact on the academic community at the Faculty of Arts to study the reasons for its spread and to identify its importance, objectives, components and ways to treat information illiteracy. The study was limited to the academic community of the college, including students and faculty members, during the academic year 2022/2023. The questionnaire was used to collect the study data because it is the appropriate tool for the nature of the study, and the study concluded with a set of results, the most important of which is The majority of the sample, students and faculty members, are proficient in using computers themselves, and follow the method of searching on the Internet and electronic information sources to obtain the required information. In the light of the results of the study, a set of recommendations were presented, including teaching information literacy skills for a course within the vocabulary of scientific research curricula in colleges.


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How to Cite

Nassef , F. M., & Al -Naji, A. A. S. (2023). Information Illiteracy and its Effects on The Academic Community at Faculty of Arts at Alasmarya Islamic University. المؤتمر العلمي السنوي لطلاب المرحلة الجامعية والدراسات العليا بالجامعة, 1, 4.130–149. Retrieved from

Conference Proceedings Volume


المحور الرابع: العلوم الإنسانية